Pigs in Night-Town
The split hoof. I never realised that ya would take my wages. Did ya think I'd never find yer little eyes shining there? Ah, the human skin of ya. So deceiving. So soft, with hairs.
Against the fire, it all turns to hard bristles.
Look at the dark cobbles, all glistening and slippery underfoot. Burlesque, ya spin and twirl, make faces at windows. Dance under light and fiery abandon. Two Irish notes for ya my boy. That will make ya pay. Ya can't take moy money as I'll take yours alright, my laddy. I shall set the dogs on ya. I really shall. Their fangs will bite at ya! See ya run thar my boy. Down on yar knees! Yagh scurvy thing! I'll show ya some thing or two under here. Yarr don't take from me boy.
And then the light on the back of the neck. It changes everything.