James Joyce

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

James Joyce Summer School

6-12 July 2008
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The 2008 Summer School will run from Sunday 6 July to Saturday 12 July 2008. Founded in 1988 the James Joyce Summer School is one of the foremost gatherings in the Joycean calendar. Each year scholars and lovers of Joyce gather from all corners of the globe to celebrate and analyse the work of this great writer. A unique aspect of the school is the fact that it gives Joycean enthusiasts the opportunity to savour and re-experience his writing in the context of the city which inspired and shaped it. The Summer School meets in Newman House where Joyce attended university and in Boston College-Ireland, both on St Stephen's Green in the heart of Dublin. This unique setting provides the perfect backdrop against which to reflect on Joyce's works and to assess his continuing influence on contemporary fiction in Ireland and elsewhere. The Summer School has run under the Academic Directorship of Professor Anne Fogarty of UCD since 1997. Previous Academic Directors from UCD include Professor Augustine Martin, the founder of the School, and Professor T.P. Dolan.

The Dublin James Joyce Summer School and University College Dublin are pleased to present the 2008 programme in collaboration with Boston College-Ireland, the National Library of Ireland, and the James Joyce Centre, Dublin!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Joyce's face

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Martello Babel - Sandycove


Brazilian - SOBRANCEIRO, fornido, Buck Mulligan vinha do alto da escada,...

Italian - Solennemente, gravemente, Buck Mulligan veniva dall'alto della scala...

English - STATELY, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a...

French -Majesteux et dodu, Buck Mulligan parut en haut des marches...

German - GRAVITÄTISCH kam der dicke Buck Mulligan vom Austritt am obern Endeder treppe...

Spanish - Solemne, el gordo Buck Mulligan avanzó desde la salida de la escalera...

Czech - Otylý, statný Tur Mulligan se vynoril ze schodu, nesl misku s mydlinami...

Danish - Buck Mulligan trådte op fra det øverste af trappen;...

Norwegian - Statelig trinn trådte Buck Mulligan frem øverst i trappen...

Swedish - Högtidligt trädde den satte Buck Mulligan fram fran detöverstatrappesteget...

Finnish - Komea, pulska Buck Mulligan tuli portaidenpäästä kädessäänvaahdokekuppi,...

Dutch - Statig kwam de dikke Buck Mulligan uit het trapgat...

Catalan - SOLEMNEMENT, el rodanxó Boc Mulligan aparegué al capdamunt de l'escala,...

Turkish - SARMAN, BABAC BUCK MULLIGAN, üzerine bir aynayla bir ustura haçvari...

Portuguese - POMPOSO, rolico, Buck Mulligan veio do alto da escada...

Slovenian - Dostojanstveno je sisao gojazni Buck Mulligan s vrha stopnišcaCroatianDostojanstevno je sisao gojazni Buck Mulligan s vrha stubista...


Lá Bhloom

Lá Bhloom you punters, the river runs between dogsbody and whorecopse, past lowing cows and sheep bleating, under Paddy’s Dudley box, Jesuits’ lashing the good Lord from the backsidepillory, warbride scalawags’ hock wages piebald to pike, moonfish shat, mums the ward, hawking seacords and ginrags in a sea of scurvy, Lá Bhloom you punters, heist a brownbottle swig to James, ponderoar of commode piddle and Liffey.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

For Alan

you could
walk on fencewire
in your bare feet, scrolled like
snakeskin after a hard summer rain
but you could not walk on water
or remember a time when life
was less complicated, or at
least less sad

Joyce reading from Finnegans Wake