James Joyce

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Friday, December 08, 2006

It goes like this

It goes like this when you lie there and then you say to Boylan go on go on and he goes and he wakes his head up and there it is and his eyes are all lilting and he makes you go like that he knows every time doesn't he and then throwing down the gauntlet you won't sleep at my feet like my boy no my boy he sleeps at my feet and he takes in the smell of me I know he likes it the vulgar brutes of my toes and the flesh pickle of sunken hollows of aspiring soles I know what you like my boy likes to think of us together and when we walk along the Sandymount he takes me in his arms and he raises me up and he lets wind drive my hair up into the air sharpening me like a brute you were his place my place all hot and full of cuisine of my buttocky lovegloves I shall hang you in my mouth and taste you and swallow you and then I shall replenish you all and we will go again again and again you shall always come back to me and find me waiting in my red shift yes my red shift and you paint me with your tongue you do you do sorceress I am for you oh


At 2:40 PM, Blogger Stephen Rowntree said...

Friggin' amazing! I love(ed) it! So visceral, yet warm and tongue(y).

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Stephen Rowntree said...

"...I shall hang you in my mouth and taste you and swallow you and then I shall replenish you all and we will go again again and again..."

Raw and sensual, a 'being-there-not there', a moment of riot and swallow.

At 5:03 AM, Blogger Molly Bloom said...

Glad you liked itxx Yay again!


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