James Joyce

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Yes Concealed Behind the NO.

My own experience with psychoanalysis has taught me what I think I say I say is often mistaken, a faulty transcription of a symptom, a manifest expression of something inexpressible. Within (or outside) the inexpressible lies the etymology of the symptom that is the expression of the expressed; the expression of the yet-to-be; the inexpressibility of expression. Free-association is the evocation of the symptom (the faulty transcription) of the inexpressibility, the manifest latency of rebus, dream and memory. Joyce, in his masterful use of stream-of-consciousness, expressed this inexpressibility, the night-terrors and shades, the hurt and anger, the cuckoldry that lies veiled behind the faulty transcription, the Heideggerian unconcealing, the expression of the inexpressible, an evocation of the symptom of the unconscious wish, the yes concealed behind the no


At 11:06 AM, Blogger Molly Bloom said...

Absolutely fantastic. Sometimes I think I've said something and then I realise that I haven't said it and I'm on that Viconian cycle of fear and regret that I've made a terrible mistake and someone thinks I'm a fool. You've captured that turning sense of panic here.


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