James Joyce

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Neon Lights in Dublin

Saw your name, Molly, up there in pink Neon. Saw your name up there on Trinity College and it stood out for a moment. But nobody really cared. It flickered and then there was big fuzzy fizz and it disappeared forever. And no-one even noticed or replaced the light-bulb. It fizzled out in the night.

I saw your name, Molly.
I remember your tender face and smile.
I remember when we sat on top o' Howth Head and shared seed across the lips. The seed-cake crumb. I won't let you go out. Saw your name, Molly.

Saw your name Molly, standing out on pink. Standing out on arch-backs and green wisps of grass. Saw your face in pink-pout. Saw the hat cocked a-top the spade. Blazestakeinthearms.

Saw your pink Molly. I shall not let you go out. Tender arms shall cradle you one day. Back there on Howth. And Molly, frail and mahogony eye of you. Your hair in the wind there.

Trinity. Trinity. Trinity. Martello.


At 8:54 PM, Blogger Stephen Rowntree said...

...blessed Molly, Trinity square and Eccles in Neon...wondrous piece, evocative, provocative, moon-whispery...

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Inconsequential said...


At 6:21 AM, Blogger Russell CJ Duffy said...

delicious and sweetly seductive.


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